André Selmanagić

about programming, games and tools

LoneWolf / kjAPI

In September 2008, I started working as an intern at Ksatria Gameworks for 6 months.

Ksatria is an independent game developer based in Singapore, employing a multi-cultural team coming from all around the world.
I joined the group of programmers, headed by co-founder Cedric Caillaud.

At the time being, I have been working on Ksatria’s current project LoneWolf and kjAPI, the engine it is based on.

LoneWolf - Flight from the Dark

LoneWolf - Flight from the Dark is based on the first volume of Joe Dever’s game book series LoneWolf.
It is about a warrior monk of the order of the Kai, who lives in the fantasy world of Magnamund. As his monastery is destroyed by the Giaks, he - as the only survivor and last of the Kai - tries to travel to the capital to warn the king.

A classical story about good versus evil.


Besides developing LoneWolf, kjAPI is considered as a product itself.

The engine was built in a very flexible way from the beginning to create a middleware product for game-developers - just like the Unreal or Id-Tech engines.


This is an excerpt of what I have done at Ksatria:

  • Refactoring, rewriting and documenting the GUI system to a large amount
  • Extending the GUI tools, as well as enhancing their usability
  • Creation of game GUI’s and scripts (menus, HUD, radial weapon chooser)
  • Animation compression
  • Gameplay programming
  • The usual suspects: fixing bugs, crashes and memory leaks wherever they appear
