André Selmanagić

about programming, games and tools


CurveRider is quite a different 3D-clone of the famous Tron LightCycles subgame, developed by my friend and collegue Rainer and me.
As we wanted to create a special gaming-experience, it is different from the original and all the other clones. Instead of only being able to drive in a straight line and turn by 90 degrees, the player can smoothly turn as in normal racing-games, resulting in smooth curves or “walls”. The motorcycle of a player doesn’t explode immediately when colliding with a wall, but bounces away and looses energy (health) depending on the angle of the collision. In future releases, this bouncing will boost the velocity of the motorcycle for a short time, turning it into a tactical gameplay-element.

The current alpha version is fully playable in multiplayer via internet or LAN. The game is written in C++.

Here is a video: